Monday, August 2, 2010

30 Minutes to a better blog - 01: Introduction

Welcome to The Jones Theory. Your source to everything you will need to know about blogging. This book will provide the information you will need to start, design, and market your blog, and will direct and advise you through each and every step.

One thing that I believe is most important and should be said ahead of time. I promise to do my best and to provide the most accurate and effective information. While I take this promise on, one thing I can not change is your ATTITUDE.

Your ATTITUDE and how much EFFORT you put into things will dictate how much results you will get from working through each step. The fact is, you can read every book in the world on how to make money with your blog and still lack the needed Effort. If you take the tools given to you, and take them and try them out, I Guarantee you will receive the benefits you are expecting.

With those thoughts out on the table, and if you are still reading, then I assume you either have a good attitude, or are at least willing to work on making a higher effort. It has always been true, that to get things done on a large scale, often takes a large amount of smaller steps. I would like to now explain a little bit about making small steps, and how you should work on them while you read this book.

This book has been set up in a order which should allow you to literally follow along. Although doing so would not be very effective, or practical for that matter. You will receive the most benefit by doing a few things while reading this book.

The first and most important thing to do when working on something new, is to Take Notes. Grab some blank white paper, or find your self a notepad. This WILL save you time, and frustration over the long run. The next tip to getting the most effect from this book is to Read, Research, and Implement. Read a section, Research it's methods, code, and the amount of time and resources it will take to finally, Implement. Take this newly gathered information and put it to work.

My last tip, to each and every person who reads this book. Do Not Give Up. Along the road to perfection you will often come along times when you feel that there is nothing more to do then give up. Nothing is Ever going to go the way that you hope it to. This is something I hope you can admit now, and put out of your mind. Over the course of this book you will eventually find your self frustrated and ready to give up. Find your self a few spare moments. Find your self a satisfying flash game, and take a break. Breath for a minute, sip that coffee, perhaps even reply to a few of those spam emails. Once you have collected your thoughts, start back from the beginning, and make it work. Because if you do your best. It WILL happen.

From here you on out I will work along with you side by side. Spelling out the steps to take you blog from just and idea, to a money maker. If you have any problems with the content of this book, or have questions, comments, or suggestions. Please feel free to stop by my website and send us an email.

If you feel like you would rather contact me directly, Please do not hesitate to send me and email directly to my personal inbox. My email is


Plumbers Birmingham said...

Hey buddy, it's a very useful blog post. I am not so good at blogging and definitely this post helps me a lot. Thanks for a good stuff.

alokseow said...
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Student Accomodation said...

nice post..Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.