Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Big Money Opps!

With the growing world of blogs there have been some great ways to make money. The most common being advertisements. Now there has been a new way for bloggers to make money, and fast.

Payperpost is a bloggers resource to blog about topics for money. After getting approved a person can choose from hundreds of topics, and post about them. All while getting payed per post.

In the past, the amount of money you got per post was fairly low, but now experienced posters have a huge opportunity to make A LOT of money.

With new advertisers from blog ad network (disclosure is required from all bloggers) offering more opportunity's (ops) a blogger has many category's and topics to choose from. If you want to blog about sports, do so. If you want to blog about new products, do so. Payperpost offers a lot of different types of ops. They are bound to have one you like.

The new segmentation system awards bloggers with high traffic blogs. You could make $1000 for a single sponsored post!

Also...Did you know that PPP only charges a 35% service fee compared to ReviewMe that charges a 100% markup. They are taking half your money for every post! You can get high paying opps more often and put more in your pocket with Payperpost.

Some new additions

Last night, and early morning today I have made a few changes to my blog. Last night I tryed to change the template, but we all see how well that worked. The one I like didnt quite work out.

The newest feature on this blog is the music section. Ive added a few of the songs I like on there, and Im willing to make changes. If anyone wants me to put a song up their they like, I have no problem in finding it on and putting it up on the music section. The best way to get it up here would be to find a song, and send me the URL so I don't have to go hunting for it.

Thanks, and enjoy.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A modest proposal... Will it work?

So A friend came to me on AIM, and was talking to me about things I should talk about on my blog. he mentiond that he had something that I should put up there and discuss, Here is the video he showed me.

After watching the video, I thought to my self "self, could this realy work"

Now, most people would watch this and say to them selfs "this is nasty, who the hell would do this" But take a quick second to think to your self about this. What is the one thing in this world we have alot of, don't need more of, can't do with how many we have, and get angry at people for having.... Yep you have it, babys.

Now this may not be the best solution, but it does have its stance. Its not buyable by todays standards, but who knows. Perhaps one day there will be a market for this kind of thing. Personaly, I beleive there is a another solution.

Take those billions of dollars we spend on bomb, bullets, guns, and war, and redirect that money to something more productive. Keep an eye on this blog, because I will be posting my own view pritty soon when I get the time to get it done.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bio-engineering, Making pets.

So me and a friend where surfing through the endless pits of the inter web, when we came across this interesting site. These pets, living, breathing, crying, growing, yet packaged in a package much like a toy.

Genpets is the first creator of Bio-Genetic pets. While in a "hybernetic" state while in packaging, these small pets work just like a real pet, feeling pain, making noise, and even reacting to its environment.

This page explains all you need to know before getting your new genetically engineered pet.

Although these bio-genetic pets are still being developed, and prices are still being arranged.

So about the time you figure out how much these things will cost, and when they will be available, you will come to realise that this is a phony. These bio-genetic pets are a art creation done by a student trying to break the ice of bio-genetic pets.

Hope you enjoyed this site.

Monday, February 19, 2007

4am... So early.

My scheduel for work has been pritty much the same, and im getting into the trend of how things work. I have to be at work by 4:00 am. which Is starting to get alot easyer. The reason I am posting now, is because of this:

I work with a manager somtimes at night when im recoverying, that isn't exactly the smartest person in the world. In recovery you run around each of the isle's and pickup stuff that dosn't belong, and throw it in the cart. Then you run to the baskets up front, and sort eveyrthing out by isles. then once you do that, you take baskets, run around realy fast, and put everything back. The problem comes when my manager says "Hey, I'm not staying past 9:30 (which was when we both got off work). Then after saying this, goes off and grabs another 2 carts full of crap. and brings them back for me to do.

one cart of which was mostly socks. When you are recoverying an isle, and there is stuff in the isle that belongs on THAT isle, then you are supose to pick it up, pleace it back in its spot, then face around it. but when my manager went down the sock isle, instead of putting them back her self, She threw them in a cart for me to handle later.

Neadless to say, we didn't get out of there untill 10:30, and hour after we where schedueled.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Are people so brainless.... Or just lazy?

Today I worked a tough shift, I was scheduled from 5:30PM to 9:30PM. I bet you know whats coming. Your right, I ended up working until freaking 1:30 AM. My normal hours are 4am-8am, and I usually get out at about 9am. But tonight I worked recovery, which by the way folks, its more fun to run through thorn bushes.

As you may all ready know, recovery is the process of filling shopping carts by running around the isles and grabbing things up that don't belong or that have fallen on the ground. Today we filled 4 shopping carts. Then comes the best part, sitting there with 5-10 baskets, and taking everything out and organizing it into piles of like items, such as toys,personal,holiday,electronics, food candy, food non candy, and food canned, etc, etc.

Then of course you have to run around and put it all back.

BUT!! this is not why I am posting tonight. There is something that I thought about while talking to my good friend Devan. I was explaining to him that when I started working at this store, They basically threw me out on the floor without any training or any kind of walk through or any thing of the sort. So basically I knew where NOTHING was, other then general ideas due to our naming system.

The problem with this, is that I being an employee, it is my job to help customers when they need something. So being the good worker I am, I help out the pour lost little shoppers. But what this whole topic is about is those people who come up to me and go "where is your shaving creme" I think to my self "well, Ive haven't seen that here before" thus meaning I have no clue where it is. After a mere 5 seconds of looking down the center of the isles I spot the isle which contains the item.

After leading the customer over to the item, they thank me, and I tell them that if they need anything else to feel free to ask. The reason for the post comes here. How do "I" a new employee, and fairly intelligent person, figure out where an item is without the help of anyone else. Yet when it comes to persons shopping in the store, instead of taking the 10 seconds or so to look around, they spend roughly a minute, if not More, looking for an employee.

Then they just so happens to pick the employee that knows nothing about the item in the store, who just so happens to find the item they couldn't find, in less then 5 seconds. To them I am a trained pro, to me, I used logical elimination.

Store shelf's aren't randomly placed folks, they are organized in such a fashion to make it essayer on everyone. So knowing this, let me ask. I run into roughly 20 people working a normal 4 hour shift. If 10 people see me and ask for and item that I have no clue where its at, yet I find it in under 10 seconds, that makes 1/2 the people who shop at the store I work at incapable of using logical elimination. now that is just ONE item. Say those same people see me again, its all most guaranteed that 1/2 of those 20 that didn't ask me the first time, will ask for the first time, or asking for the second time.

My point is, when it comes down to it 90% of people who go to the store lose the ability to use basic item elimination. Is this because they don't know any better? Are 90% of people who go shopping idiots? Or perhaps are the 10% who go on without the help of employee's the ones that aren't lazy?

Most people figure that people like me are walking through the store, not only to do what I'm there to do, but also to help them. When the fact is, I'm doing recovery, the job that makes running through thorn bushes a vacation. Do you really think I want to stay longer to do what I have to do, because I had to help customers who where unable to do basic elimination?

today I stayed until 1:30AM, That was not very fun, Thus making me think about the whole thing I just ranted on about. So the next time you are shopping in a store, please oh please take a few seconds out of your day to take a look around, instead of instantly walking around to find people who do what I do. Its not hard, just think about groups + breads + wheat's(grouped), candy, soda, chips, fatty foods (grouped) Ifs not that hard folks, Deodorant, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste(grouped)

Its very simple if you take a few seconds to use your brain, so once again, please use it next time.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy V day!

So I just wanted to take a few minutes out of my life to post a little thing for everyone. I hope you are all enjoying your day, maybe with that special person, maybe not?

I just want to say to those out there without a special person, Keep your head up, keep going strong, and don't give up. Never give up.

Have a great days everyone!

Monday, February 12, 2007

We are all one... The world is one

If some of you remember the great song written and song by john Lennon, you will remember him saying "the world will be as one ". This is what makes me think about this song.

Not many things in life stop me in my tracks, make me think, or even get my teary eyed, But the other night I saw something that did all those things. This video that I saw not only made me think about all the people in the world, it all most brought me to tears. That may sound a bit corny, Maybe it is, But there is something about this video that just delivers a message. A message that only this video has been able to project to me.

You may think I'm emotional, or that I'm a wimp for being male, and getting watery eyes from a You video. But Therese something about this video that combines art, compassion, and love. What is amazing about this video, is that there are about a hundred people involved in it. JUST in this video. Yet it displays the message the whole world is looking for.

Not often do you find videos now days, that aren't self centered, Random, and spazmatic or full of stupid high school kids jumping off roofs. So when there is a video, that evolves the whole world, while keeping peace, and showing love toward one another, I think it deserves to be post on every web page on the Internet.

And so after saying that, I leave you with these lyrics, and the video. Stop, think, and imagine. Open your mind, and think peacefully. Be kind, Be Loving, and share the respect that everyone deserves.

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Future Weapons.

Future Weapons is a TV show brought to you by the discovery channel. This show takes you through to days prototypes of future weapons. From machine guns, to rockets they show you all the new weapons that will soon be on our battlefields.

Ive watched a couple of the Future Weapons episodes, and that was just enough to get me hooked. The futuristic weapons most of the time put me in a silent "awww". Not to mention they blow a lot of things up!

Here's a few pictures of what they show you on this show, please enjoy!


School, Is it worth it?

So lately Ive been super busy and haven't been able to post anything. Graduating early isn't as easy as it looks. With my SSE (Senior Seminar Experience) Presentation day arriving fast (as in this Thursday which is also my birthday) Iv been working long and hard on my project.

So Id like to know what you all would like me to start posting about. Ive been collecting my thoughts while Ive been away and have come up with a few things that I will be posting about soon. But id like to hear what the folks out there on the Internet would like to hear about. So please post a comment or email me at and let me know what you'd like to hear about.

Also, note that we now have a new Affiliate, this is a personal friend, who i believe does some great reviews for video games, so check out Mr.technicians blog!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Mtv - Korn and Amy Lee

Freak on a leash, written and sang by Korn them self's. This song is well known, well played, and never gets old. With recent problems amongst korn and loosing members the band has been running slim.

Was this an attempt to tell the world that "Hey, where still around and kicking" or is this a cry for fans.

Personally, I think this was a great idea, and it worked out for the better. Lets just hope Amy Lee doesn't join the band in place of the loss of the other members. Shes doesn't have quite the same sound as Head, nor the same style.

If you'd like to see MTV's live recorded video visit this link and click "watch videos"