Sunday, February 25, 2007

A modest proposal... Will it work?

So A friend came to me on AIM, and was talking to me about things I should talk about on my blog. he mentiond that he had something that I should put up there and discuss, Here is the video he showed me.

After watching the video, I thought to my self "self, could this realy work"

Now, most people would watch this and say to them selfs "this is nasty, who the hell would do this" But take a quick second to think to your self about this. What is the one thing in this world we have alot of, don't need more of, can't do with how many we have, and get angry at people for having.... Yep you have it, babys.

Now this may not be the best solution, but it does have its stance. Its not buyable by todays standards, but who knows. Perhaps one day there will be a market for this kind of thing. Personaly, I beleive there is a another solution.

Take those billions of dollars we spend on bomb, bullets, guns, and war, and redirect that money to something more productive. Keep an eye on this blog, because I will be posting my own view pritty soon when I get the time to get it done.

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