Monday, February 19, 2007

4am... So early.

My scheduel for work has been pritty much the same, and im getting into the trend of how things work. I have to be at work by 4:00 am. which Is starting to get alot easyer. The reason I am posting now, is because of this:

I work with a manager somtimes at night when im recoverying, that isn't exactly the smartest person in the world. In recovery you run around each of the isle's and pickup stuff that dosn't belong, and throw it in the cart. Then you run to the baskets up front, and sort eveyrthing out by isles. then once you do that, you take baskets, run around realy fast, and put everything back. The problem comes when my manager says "Hey, I'm not staying past 9:30 (which was when we both got off work). Then after saying this, goes off and grabs another 2 carts full of crap. and brings them back for me to do.

one cart of which was mostly socks. When you are recoverying an isle, and there is stuff in the isle that belongs on THAT isle, then you are supose to pick it up, pleace it back in its spot, then face around it. but when my manager went down the sock isle, instead of putting them back her self, She threw them in a cart for me to handle later.

Neadless to say, we didn't get out of there untill 10:30, and hour after we where schedueled.

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