Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Google Analytics

So if none of you noticed, during the loading stage of this page at the bottom left you will probably see something like "connecting to" or something of that sort. That is because I have a code in on my page (which you can't see, its just a code that tells some information to my Analytics account).

What does this do for me?

I run two websites, This blog, and my peon server which is affiliated. I am able to go into my account and setup two sites, this one, and peon server. Putting each code in the corresponding websites. When i log in I choose which site I want to check, and by clicking on the name of the site, pulls up a page which shows statistics about the site. How many visits, a pie chart showing where they came from (IE., your my each having their own peace of pie showing %'s.

This is a great thing to have when you are trying to figure out how many hits you get per day and so on.

If you own a website, or even multiple websites, I highly recommend this tool for you. Its great and causes practically no lag in your website.


Warner said...

Yeah, it is cool, especially the geomapping, its crazy seeing "portland oregon" as one of my hits, then I am like "Oh yeah, seƱor jones!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah, great crap. Any sort of problem google has with their analytics system effects every damn page using it. I have been locked out of 75% of any website I normally visit over the past two evenings while some sort of changes were being made at night to their analytics systems. I wonder if I will get compensated for 2 nights worth of lost wages from Google?

I'd hold off on using G-A until they smooth it out a bit more. Otherwise you are losing all traffic to your site for about 4 hours a night. This is the 3rd night in a row for me.