Friday, January 8, 2010

Government: Friend Or Foe?

Over the last few decades, we have seen a dramatic increase in taxes. It is said that these increases are to provide solutions and services for the citizens of the united states, But whats really going on?
Lets take a closer look into the truth. Along with the tax increases all us Americans have lived through, there is 2 common trends. These trends work hand in hand, and bring a truthful reasoning to the pain behind new taxes.

Trend One: Increase spending. The government has placed those who work for them above other American citizens. If your a state or government employee, your pay, benefits, and paid vacations are doing nothing but increasing. With unemployment at it's highest, Why do State/Government employee's keep getting raises? (Hmm, think about it)

Trend Two: Lack Of Budgeting. Along with increased spending habits, lack of budgeting is hot on its tracks. Take a look into the past and look at just how many times taxes have increased over the course of several years (we'll call this X). Now look at how many times the government has done budget adjustments/Cuts (we will call this Y). If our X is happening because of the lack of Y's, then SOMEONES math is wrong. (let me assure you, It's not the government employee's making 3x that average of a civilian job)
My point comes down to this simple suggestion (If I'm not out of place, Of course). SPEND LESS, TAX LESS. Wouldn't budgeting for a sturdier economy be better for America in the long run?
(Oh wait, It's not about America. It's about securing Government jobs and benefits)

It's Been long. It's Been Fun.
Jesse Jones

Original Post

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