Friday, January 29, 2010

New Server: Update

Today's post is not a huge change from yesterday, But I have made some success today and wanted to prove my night wasn't a waste.

- Fixed Public_html's directory permissions
- Fixed /home/* Permissions

- Fixed domain Vhosts for and
- Fixed domain Vhosts for and
- Aligned domain to IP of server, Still need to fix Vhosts config

- Fixed welcome page for
- Rebooted Apache after permissions issue's were completely resolved

- Created a user logging system to record local logged in users
- Stopped FTP dameon until a use of it is needed
- Protected some public root files

All while never restarting the computer. I love linux. Centos is starting to make me happy. It's been a great choice so far.

When you break things down into lists, it makes them seem like more of an accomplishment. While it does not sound like a lot for an hours and a half work. I feel like I at least did something productive.

Remember, I am still looking for some new bloggers who want to do daily/weekly posts, either reviews or even now blogging about blogs them self's, such as SEO and Marketing tips. will now be the home of "The Jones Theory: 30 minutes to a better blog" Which is a book Ill be writing based off of my website.

Thanks for stopping by!

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